Bat Mitzvah Club
The Bat Mitzvah Club, is a program that prepares girls between 11 and 13 years old for their Bat Mitzvah.
This year the program will consist of 12 gatherings, 10 programmes with their mothers in the evening, a Shabbaton, a Sukkah Party and a graduation.
The girls will also take part of the Yachad-Chessed programme by being visiting an isolated person for a year.
During our meetings , we will cross the milestones on Jewish History while discovering important female figures in our history. We will also celebrate the Jewish holidays while focusing more extensively on “Jewish thoughts and values” with a first initiation to spirituality, duality between body and soul, and our personal relationship with G-d . We will also address issues such as fashion, respect for parents , boys and girls relationship … etc. .
The programs called ”Mummy and Me” will take place in the evenings and will allow closeness between mothers and daughters through Judaism, and programmes on Shabbat morning will take place from 11:00 to 13:30 (including lunch) at the European Synagogue and will allow the girls to familiarize themselves with prayers and orientation in Synagogue. All those gatherings are both, informative and lots of fun for all.
We also have a trip to Israel (optional) which is organized by Morasha which will take place in February, but more information will come soon.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Activities for the year 2024/25:
22 Septembre: Rosh Hashana: Qui suis-je? Quelle est ma mission?
6 Octobre: Pourquoi passer du grand pardon à la cabane?
Jeudi 14 Novembre: Shabbat: Comment? et Pourquoi dit-on que ce ne sont pas les Juifs qui ont gardé le Shabbat mais le Shabbat qui a gardé les Juifs.
15 Novembre: Shabbat plein avec toutes les filles. Arrivée avant 16:15, Les parents nous rejoignent pour le dîner à 18:30; Les filles dorment à la maison en mode camping.
16 Novembre: Orientation à la Synagogue, repas de midi, Balade et jeux jusqu'à 18:00
15 Décembre: Chanukah: Quelle est cette lumière en moi qui brille?
19 Janvier: Une Mitzva c'est quoi? Quelle est cette Mitzva qui me fait vibrer?
16 Février: Tu B’Shevat: Quel genre d’arbre suis-je?
Lundi 10 Mars: Purim: Suis-je capable de trouver la Esther en moi?
6 Avril: Pesach: Les nombreuses femmes qui nous ont mené à la liberation et dispatching des filles sur une femme Juive particulière. Préparation aux discours de la graduation avec les mamans sur la base de recherches.
25 Mai: Shavuot: Naissance du peuple Juif /visite du Mikvé.
15 Juin: Graduation
Participation in our activities does not confirm Jewish statues. EJCC follows Halacha standards in all activities. For the definition of Halacha on Jewish statues, read more here:
Tuition fee: 390€
This fee includes all the gathering costs, except for the graduation, which will be divided by the number of participants.
EJCC Account number: BE10 3631 6154 0204
IBAN: BE10 3631 6154 0204
Bank: ING
Participation is not conditional to payment. Scholarships are available on demand. Reach out.